If you are paying a lot for your car insurance and find out that this is because you are a high-risk driver, you may want to find out how long you will be viewed as a high-risk driver to insurance companies. The length of time that you will be in this category will depend upon your age and driving history, and here are some of the factors that will affect the amount of time it takes to become a lower-risk driver.
Depends on Your Age
Your age plays a big role in whether you are considered a high-risk driver or not. If you are under the age of 25, for example, you will likely be considered a high-risk driver; however, your rates may drop if you can go years without any accidents or tickets and are still under the age of 25. If you are currently 16, you will likely be considered a high-risk driver for quite a few years. If you are currently 23, then you should not be considered a high-risk driver (based on this factor alone) for long.
Insurance coverage
Another factor that can greatly affect the risk level you have for auto insurance is the coverage you have or had. If you have had coverage for many years, your risk is lower than a person's risk when he or she has lapses in coverage. To get out of the high-risk category, you should never allow a lapse to occur in your coverage. Instead, you should carry auto insurance all the time, as this will help you get out of the high-risk category.
Driving record
The other main factor that plays a role in this is your driving record. Your driving record consists of information about tickets, violations, and accidents that you were involved in. If you have none of these things on your record, it is much easier to get out of the high-risk category quickly. If you have these things on your record, it may take a few years before they will drop off. Certain violations stay on a driving record longer, such as a DUI, while minor violations tend to fall off within three years of the date they happened.
You can look up your driving record by logging into your account with the Bureau or Department of Motor Vehicles if you would like to learn exactly what is on your driving record. If you have questions about your auto insurance coverage, talk to an insurance agent.